Rob's tasks and due dates:
- Email Tracy Gabridge asking for opportunity to speak to DPS - (due June 11th)
- Meet with Nicole (Beverly to attend) - June 17th
- Talk to Nicole Hennig about other library avenues of communication
- Update website
- social media consulting
- Rob work on postcard - rough draft due June 18th
- pick a template that Heather shared
- pick an image for postcard
- write a brief blurb for postcard
- work on website
- Environmental Scan by end of June (begin by June 17th - due June 30th) - notes posted on wiki then meet to discuss plan based on these notes. Please begin before meeting with Nicole.
- Identify Service Priorities - after meetings and environmental scanEmail Tracy Gabridge asking for opportunity to speak to DPS - (due June 11th)
- Meet with the libraries' liaisons - date tbd waiting for response from Tracy
- Alex Carrazuco from Sloan (liaison) - after Tracy's group
- Reconnect with past partners (coffee lunch tea invitation via email) -Invitations out by June 30th
- would like to have the postcard in hand, talking points and questions prepared:
- Who are your current partners
- What your current/future needs
- How do you communicate ie blogs, twitter, listservs
- How do you stay connected and current with your peers
- Partners:
- Kurt Fendt
- Robin Colodzin
- Debbie Fuchs
- Cec de Oliveira
- MacKenzie Smith
- Ralph Swick
- Larry Gallagher
- Ed tech partners and Accordiacs
- MIT Museum
- would like to have the postcard in hand, talking points and questions prepared: