Download: mymath.tgz
mymol: ConContains classes to deal with atoms, molecules, lattices, and various molecule file formats (xyz, pdb, psf, dcd, and mol2).
Download: mymol.tgz
crystdist: Contains classes to do positional and orientational statistics on molecular geometries, and to calculate crystal order parameters.
Download: crystdist.tgz
getpeaks: A utility to find peaks in the distribution function of distances, bond orientations, relative orientations and internal degrees of freedom for a given geometry.
Download: getpeaks.tgz
cryststat: A utility to find averages and concentration parameters for a model of the pair distribution function of distances, bond orientations, relative orientations and internal degrees of freedom given a reference set of peaks (from getpeaks) and a molecular dynamics trajectory.
Download: cryststat.tgz