h2. Survey Piping
Piping feature allows to insert/replace texts in the survey while respondent is answering the survey. Piping is a way to make a survey dynamic and more personal.
h5. Example
The respondents answer to the question "What color do you like?" is used as part of the following question "Why do you like ____?". In this example the respondent chose "Green" for the +source question+, therefore the +piping question+ becomes "Why do you like Green?".
* The piping source question must be set before the piping can be used, I.E. the +source question+ must come before any +piping questions+.
* The +source question+ must be on a separate page from +piping questions+. See [Working with Page Breaks|Managing Surveys#Working with Page Breaks].
{bgcolor:E6E6FA} h3. TopicCreating New Piping {bgcolor}
{bgcolor:E6E6FA} h3. TopicUtilizing Piping {bgcolor}
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