Clicking Gradebook in the navigation bar displays the Student/Grade List. From there, use the tabs to display different pages of the Gradebook:
* *Dashboard*: The [Dashboard|Using the Dashboard] is the home page for the Gradebook. The Dashboard details the *UNFINISHED, UNAPPROVED*, and *RELEASED SCORES* information so Instructors/Graders can easily review "to-do" items, pending assignments, and assignment/exam scores that remains open or unresolved.
* *Students*: Displays the [Student/Grade List page|Student Grade List Page], from which you can drill down to a student's grade list.
* *Assignments*: Displays pages where you [enter and approve grades|Entering Grades in the Gradebook] and [edit assignments|Editing Assignments].
* *Add/Import Assignments*: Displays the page for[adding and importing assignments|Adding or Importing Assignments] to the Gradebook.
* *Letter Grades*: Click Letter Grades to jump to the *LETTER GRADING TABLE* form where Instructors/Graders can assign a Letter Grade to each Student.
* *Configure Gradebook*: Displays the [configuration|Configuring the Gradebook] options that specify whether assignment grades are weighted and whether weighting, actual scores, and cumulative scores are displayed in the students' [Grade Reports|Previewing the Sample Grade Report].