{bgcolor:E6E6FA} h3. Adding and Importing Assignments {bgcolor}
Importing assignments automatically populates the TITLE+Title+, SHORT+Short NAMEName+, and DUE+Due DATEDate+ fields with the original Homework properties (TITLESTitle, SHORTShort NAMEName, andDue DUE DATEDate).
*DIRECTIONSh5. Directions to ADDAdd or IMPORTImport ASSIGNMENTSAssignments to the GRADEBOOKGradebook:*
# Click Gradebook in the navigation bar.
# Click ADD ASSIGNMENT on the Gradebook Navigation bar
Stellar displays the IMPORT/ADD form where you can choose to either IMPORT homework assignments from the course Homework tool or ADD new assignments to the Gradebook. Continue to follow the appropriate directions to either import or add an assignment.
*h5. Directions to Import Assignments to the Gradebook:*
# Click the drop-down list field to open the HOMEWORK drop-down list and select the appropriate Assignment. (PIC) The drop-down list is comprised of all the homework titles currently available from the HOMEWORK section for the course
# Make a selection from the list.
The TITLE, SHORT NAME, and DUE DATE fields are populated with the original Homework properties (TITLE, SHORT NAME, and DUE DATE).
# *Optional* Edit the TITLE, SHORT NAME, and DUE DATE fields to update the information or leave the defaults. Changes made to these fields do not change the original homework's properties.
# Enter the MAXIMUM POINTS the imported Homework will carry.
# *Optional.* If you are weighting the homework, enter the weight percentage in the *WEIGHT* % field.
# Click ADD to finish creating the assignment in Gradebook.
Stellar will show the title of the newly imported homework in the SUMMARY section with the Student roster below awaiting grade input.
*h5. Add a new Assignment/Exam to the Gradebook:*
# Enter the TITLE, SHORT NAME, DUE DATE and MAXIMUM POINTS the new assignment/exam will carry.
# Click ADD to add the selection to the SUMMARY/GRADING TABLE form.
Tip: If you have multiple Homework assignments to import or add, after adding the first assignment to Gradebook, click the SAVE & ADD MORE button instead of the ADD button. This will clear the IMPORT/ADD form so you can import additional homework without leaving the form.
* Weight percentages are applied to an assignment only if the Gradebook is [configured|Configuring the Gradebook] to calculate grade weighting.
* A value of zero in the *WEIGHT* % field will cause the assignment/exam grade to be ignored when the final grade is calculated. {anchor:Editing Assignments}
{bgcolor:E6E6FA} h3. Editing an Assignment {bgcolor}
When editing a Gradebook assignment, you can chang it's title, short name, maximum points, weight percentage, and due date.
*DIRECTIONSh5. Directions to EDITEdit a GRADEBOOK ASSIGNMENT*Gradebook Assignments:
# Click Gradebook in the Navigation Bar
# Click the Assignments tab in the Gradebook Navigation bar.
# Click the Title of the assignment you want to edit.
# Click the EDIT (PiC) link (located in the Options column of the summary grid) on the Grade summary/ASsignments page.
# Edit the assignment as needed.
# Click Save.{anchor:Deleting and Restoring an Assignment}\\
{bgcolor:E6E6FA} h3. Deleting and Restoring a Deleted Assignment {bgcolor}
How you delete an assignment from the [Gradebook|Using the Gradebook] depends on whether grades have already been recorded for the assignment.
* An assignment with grades is deleted from the Edit Assignment page. After the deletion, the assignment remains in the Gradebook, and the assignment title is grayed and it is followed by a "restore" link. You can later click the restore link to reactivate the assignment in the Gradebook.
* An assignment without grades can be deleted from either the Edit Assignment page or the Grade Summary/Assignment page. Once deleted, this assignment cannot be restored.
*DIRECTIONSh5. Directions to DELETEDelete an assignmentAssignment with gradesGrades:*
# Click the *ASSIGNMENTS* tab in the Gradebook.
# Click the title of the assignment to delete.
# On the Grade Summary/Assignment page, click the *EDIT* link (in the Options column of the Summary grid).
# Click the *DELETE* button (at the bottom of the page).
*DIRECTIONSh5. Directions to DELETEDelete an assignmentAssignment without gradesGrades:*
# Click the *ASSIGNMENTS* tab in the Gradebook.
# Click the title of the assignment to delete.
# On the *GRADE SUMMARY/ASSIGNMENT* page, click the *DELETE* link (in the Options column of the Summary grid).
# Click Delete to confirm the deletion and remove the assignment from the Gradebook.
*DIRECTIONSh5. Directions to RESTORERestore a deletedDeleted assignmentAssignment with gradesGrades:*
# Click the Assignments tab.
# Click the deleted assignment's *RESTORE* link.
Stellar displays the Restore Assignment page.
# Update the assignment fields if applicable. (See [Adding Assignments to the Gradebook] for information on the fields.)
# Click the *UNDELETE* button to restore the assignment.
You can enter and approve grades for the assignment, and Stellar will include the assignment and grades in summaries and cumulative point and weight calculations.