FY10 Q3
- DS Accomplishments
- In conjunction with ITSS, DCAD assisted a number of DLCs with problems related to hacking, security, and MIT guidelines on web sites and FileMaker databases that were all originally created by external vendors outside of the DCAD development process.
- Revised the DCAD development process adding Development Manager Role and updated DCAD Requirements documents
- Finalized a program with Dell (Custom Factory Integration) which allowed Dell to supply MIT with machines preloaded with an MIT imaged and asset tag.
- Many MDS Team members stepped up to take over work that needed to continue after the retirement of the former MDS Team Lead and while the search for the new team lead was occurring. Specifically, Marshall Spriggs, Albert Wang, Peter Milt, and Justin Fleming did a great job making sure the RT queues and SLA daily assignments occurred.
- DCAD has acquired new Search Engine Optimization (SEO) expertise, applied it on projects for 3 DLCs (New Century Cities, MIT Investment Management Company, and the Center for Real Estate), and presented it to the Web Pub group.
- Finalized the DDM Realignment initiatives and changes to our services in the area of Preventative Maintenance.
- Hired Rashard Bryan as the new Team Lead for the Managed Desktop Services team
- Assisted many of our DLCs and customers prepare their machines for the email migration to the new MIT Exchange system
- Continued analysis on the feasibility of an asset recovery program
- With fewer staff, DCAD achieved total revenue levels for FY10 Q3 that were 38% higher than FY09 Q3. Contributing factors to this increase in revenue include fewer projects that were larger and more complex; and an increase in SLA contracts
- Received training in Windows 7
- Beta tested FileMaker 11 for FMI