Users can request resources using a "#PBS -l" statement. Resources include the walltime (in mm:ss or hh:mm:ss format) and the number of nodes and number of processors per node. In the example below, several alternative examples of node requests are given to illustrate the possible syntax; only one would be included in an actual script. Note that the ":group0" addition
Code Block |
#PBS -l walltime=14:30:00 |
Code Block |
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=4:group0 OR #PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=8:group0 OR #PBS -l nodes=n024:ppn=8 OR #PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=8+nodes=1:ppn=4 OR #PBS -l nodes=n024:ppn=8+nodes=1:ppn=8 OR #PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=8:mem16 |
Note that the ":group0" addition searches for a node with the property "group0". On cyrus1, this property will be present on all nodes designated for the queuing system; while nodes n017 through n021 will be reserved for software unable to use the queue system.
Some or all of these arguments can also be given at the command line. Command-line settings override any settings in the script.