The purpose of the queuing system is (1) to promote the efficient utilization of our computer facilities, and (2) to promote equity of access to those resources across our user community. This page is designed to help users get started with this system.
How it works for users
Users should edit their shell scripts to add special directives to the queue system, beginning with "#PBS", that request resources, declare a required walltime, and direct standard output and error. Users can then "submit" their job using commands like "qsub," as described in the next section.
A simple example of such a script can be found in the attached apoa.sh, which runs the ApoA1 benchmark.
Code Block |
#PBS -N solution_equilibration_273K |
Code Block |
#PBS -q short
The standard output and standard error can be directed to files using the "#PBS -o" or "#PBS -e" directives. These two streams can be joined using a "#PBS -j oe" directive.
Code Block |
#PBS -e solution_equil.err
#PBS -o solution_equil.log
Users can request resources using a "#PBS -l" statement. Resources include the walltime (in mm:ss or hh:mm:ss format) and the number of nodes and number of processors per node. In the example below, several alternative examples of node requests are given to illustrate the possible syntax; only one would be included