The scripts.tar.gz tar ball contains following scripts:, along with a small set of auxiliary (data) files. These scripts are also available on this link, and questions about how to use these scripts are addressed in this thread on the CHARMM forums.
Section |
Column |
| system setup add-ions.str gen-alpha-helix.inp gen-dna.inp gen-prot.inp minimize.inp rename-2pdb.str setup-truncated-octahedron.str solvent-box.str solvent-shell.str solvent-sphere.str |
Column |
| dynamics dynamics.inp noe-dynamics.inp run-cpt-md.inp run-pbc-md.inp run-sdb-md.inp |
Column |
| analysis asa-protein.str extract-coordinate-frame.inp hbonds.inp interaction-energy.inp merge-orient-trajectory.inp merge-recenter-trajectory.inp rmsd-nucleotide.str rmsd-residue.str rmsd-rgyr.inp rmsf-nucleotide.str rmsf-residue.str self-diffusion-coeff.inp trp-anisotropy.inp |
There is also a small set of auxiliary (data) files.
VMD TCL script to calculate density profile normal to z-axis