These macros are experimental attempts to get the metrics, and *charts* that steve winig prefers to have, to actually render on the wiki page. These PDFs generate JIRA exception requests, and MIT's wiki-support has already escalated them to the confluence people. So we wait.
One solution to try is to render the Present page of the spreadsheet as a Bitmap in Word, and post that, just for presentation.
{viewpdf:name=Training FY2010-2QMetrics-and-Reports (2).pdf} save as PDF from inside Excel
{viewpdf:name=Training-graphs.pdf} (PDF printed from Excel 2003 format
{viewpdf:name=Training-graphs-again.pdf} (created by PDF printed again to a PDF)
{viewxls:name=Copy of Training FY2010-2QMetrics-and-Reports (2).xls|sheet=Present|row=41|col=13}