CPMD (QMMM version) plane-wave/PP quantum CP and BO dynamics.
Usage: mpirun -n NCPUS cpmd.x JOB PATH-TO-PPs >& JOB.out &
mpirun should be set to /opt/openmpi/tcp-gnu/bin/mpirun in your .bashrc
NCPUS number of cpus
JOB name of job file to be executed
PATH-TO-PPs the path to a pseudo potential library (see for eg /home/gpw501/software/cpmd/pseudos/ )
JOB.out name of output file
see: http://www.cpmd.org/ for more details
Amber10 amber molecular dynamics program.
see amber manual for usage executables are located in /home/gpw501/software/amber10/exe/
see http://ambermd.org/ for more details
Gromacs molecular dynamics program.
Installed as root so binaries for MD and the gromacs tools are located in /usr/local/bin/
see website for details: http://www.gromacs.org/
propka electrostatic and pka computations for proteins.
Usage: see /home/gpw501/software/propka2.0src/README_PROPKA2.0