This macro generates a Table of Contents for the current page based on its headings.
h4. Table of Contents Plugin
* *toc* - Generates a table of contents based on what headings are present in the current page.
* *toc-zone* - Lists all the headings within the macro's body.
Generates a table of contents based on what headings are present in the current page.
h3. The Code
h3. {toggle-cloak:id=1} Result
h3. {toggle-cloak:id=2} Parameters
|type|(x)|list|The type of TOC to output. May be 'list' or 'flat'. |
|outlne|(x)|false|If true each item will be prefixed by a hierarcical number (e.g. '1.3'). |
|style|(x)|none| The style of bullet-point to use for each item. Any CSS styles are valid.|
|separator|(x)|brackets|he type of separator when in 'flat' mode. May be any of the following:
* 'brackets' - Each item is surrounded by square brackets
* 'braces' - Each item is surrounded by curly braces.
* 'parens' - Each item is surrounded by parentheses.
* 'pipe' - Each item is separated by a pipe.|
* anything - Each item is separated by the value supplied. Nothing is placed on the outsides of the list.|
|indent|(x)| |When displayed as a 'list', the amount to indent each heading level. Note: This is a CSS quantity, so make sure you use the quantity type (eg. '10px' not '10'). |
|minLevel|(x)|1|The minimum level to report headings for, inclusive. Eg. '2' will list 'h2.' and 'h3.' headings, but not 'h1.'.|
|maxLevel|(x)|7|The maximum level to report headings for, inclusive. Eg. '2' will list 'h1.' and 'h2.' headings, but not 'h3.' or above. |
|include|(x)| |If set, any headings not matching the regular expression will be ignored. |
|exclude|(x)| |If set, any headings which do match the regular expression will be ignored. |
|name|(x)| |Parameter description goes here. |
|printable|(x)|true|If set to false, the TOC will not be visible when printing. |
|class|(x)| |If specified, a <div> surrounding the TOC will be output with the specified 'class' attribute. Use CSS styles to customise the look of the TOC.|
h3. The Code
h3. {toggle-cloak:id=3} Result
h3. {toggle-cloak:id=4} Parameters