Wiki Markup |
Composition Setup |
} = #6495ED {composition-setup} {section} {column:width=20%} {excerpt-include:Advanced Macros Plugin|nopanel=true} {column} {column:width=60%} {deck:id=Layout|width=907px} {card:label=Overview} h4. Layout Macros This plugin contains macros which help you to organize your content into section (rows) and columns. h5. This plugin includes the following macros: * *column* - creates a column. * *section* - creates a row. {card} {card:label=Documentaion} {deck:id=columnsection} {card:label=column / section} Creates a column and / or a row. h3. The Code : Three-column layout: {code} {section:border=true} {column:width=33%} This is my first column! {column} {column:width=33%} [This is a link to|] {column} {column:width=33%} Third column! {column} {section} |
Section | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Creates a column and / or a row. The Code :Three-column layout:
Column | ||
| ||
This is my first column! |
Column | ||
| ||
Column | ||
| ||
Third column! |
Section | |||