Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

If you want to post your video on:

These are acceptable output formats:

These are unacceptable/unsupported formats:



Quicktime (.mov, mac)
Windows Media (.wmv)
RealMedia (.rm)
AVI (.avi)
Mobile (mp4, .m4v, .ogg)
AdobeFlash (.flv)

Mpeg 2
Windows Movie Maker (.MSWMM)
audio only files at this time (Viddler)
image only files at this time (Viddler)
both audio and image only files can be attached as an "additional file" though

1 Gb per file limit -


Windows Media (.wmv)
Cell Phone (.3GP_ (cell phones)
.AVI (.avi, windows)
Quicktime (.mov, mac)
iPod/psp (.mp4)
AdobeFlash (.flv)
.MKV (h.264)
RealMedia (.rm)
For subtitles:
.srt, .sub

Windows Movie Maker (.MSWMM)

Uploads to regular (i.e., not "enhanced") channels are limited to 10 minutes / 1GB.

Athena self-hosted (on a locker)

Quicktime (.mov, mac)
Windows Media (.wmv)
AdobeFlash (.flv) *

see notes.

Output is browser dependent:
if you've got the plug-in,
or if your browser has a media player
built in, it will work.
If you're using a Mac,
QT is part of Mac OS,
and if you're using a PC,
Windows Media player is part of Win OS.
*additional features required (such as progressive download, etc.)

iTunes U (facilitated by OCW)

MPEG4, 300Kbps, 480x360


recommended to add ID3 tags to files prior to upload to iTunesU for metadata and info on file

YouTube (enhanced channel facilitated by OCW, TechTV)

MPEG4 (1.6Mbps h.264, 640x48)


Note that .rm can also be uploaded, but the quality will be inferior to the format noted at left.
Kris will add additional text about Tech TV utube. For TechTV, we take the original (can't be .flv - must be a standard format YouTube accepts) and upload with same info as on the TechTV page for that video

Internet Archive

any of those mentioned here


Internet Archive does not place restrictions around uploaded content, but as it is a true archive, files cannot  be managed easily once uploaded.
OCW posts iPod-quality MP4s on Internet Archive ( to support users who cannot view embedded YouTube videos (generally high schools have blocked access entirely), are unwilling to download the (free) iTunes application, or use Linux.
There is no general MIT OpenCourseWare collection in this space. Instead, files are collected by course (identified by term and year: 8.01F99), and basic metadata is assigned at both the file and collection level: publisher (always MIT OpenCourseWare), contributor (the course instructor), title (for collection and file), date (of the recording), sequence (track 1 of 37), description (at the collection level), and keywords (at the collection level.

AMPS streaming server

Windows Media (.wmv)
AdobeFlash (.flv)
.MPEG (2,4,4 pt10, all flavors)

video tape & DVD (requires an extra encoding charge, assuming  no copyright restrictions

Real Media is support ed "under duress" and with additional charges. This can be a live stream or an on-demand stream that is not downloadable.

MIT Cable

live feed

MIT cable only available on campus.
Not a production shop. Distribution only.
Will do .mov and .wmv , as long as the resolution is high enough)
can be used because
MIT Cable will burn the file to a DVD and distribute that.
They will bill for their time to do this.

add vanilla iTnes iTunes for podcasts