database driven is ideal, where the tool prebuilds and automates the production of upload files and other parts of the business process.
Proposing / Brainstorming Solutions
(white board notes)
Filemaker DB features that we like -- creates finished JV files to email Finance automatically; Common customer list from DataWarehouse, with cost objects; automates much of known process workflows; emailable PDF output
Do monthly billing on the 15th for the 30 days previous; avoid month-end in order to be sure of booking before the end of the month; use JV uploads accumulated for that period.
implies this group can create and adopt changes to Policies and Procedures, vetting them within the group.
Goal is consistent processes across CSS using the tools we have. E.g., we can decide that JV Upload is is the chosen standard and then optimize for that.
A "My Account" view of activity per individual or per DLC, across all the lines of CSS business. ← depend on CRM features of ticketing tool or whatever tool it is that chooses to own this application area. → implies exploring SaaS or other CRM tools again. (Jeff reed was on the CRM study team whose findings went into a report that was filed.)
- implies creating a consolidated list of what each group bills for, when and how. That would be for our own consumption first, but would be the basis for client communication at some time.
IDEAS FOR Specific Ways We Can Get To It – reflect and expand on the list already in the powerpoint deck.