IS&T site also has "top five answers" which would be good for our purposes.
Ranjani and Ann are going to do a mock-up. Send her some sites that you like to Ranjani. Elaine and Kris could do a wire-frame.
3.) Standards for capture - follow up thoughts
4.) Some next steps
Elaine & Kris will go in and answer the questions.
45.) Begin a list of recommended hardwar
6.) Draft a mock-up of our portal
2. Identify constraints around the portal
3. Standards for capture- follow up thoughts
4. Some next steps
a. Begin a list of recommended hardware
high, med, and low.
high professional production.
1,000-3,000 is med range. kits for the depts. tripod, camera, microphone.
DIY is the low end. go find a cam corder somewhere.
Kate will work with Kris and Elaine to do to hardware stuff.
5.) b. Draft a mock-up of our portal portal
Ranjani and Ann are going to work on this. See 1.)