With the return of the student community, Accessibility and Usability Services saw an 8% increase in Accessibility Reviews and over 190% increase in Usability Services. The ATIC Lab ( Adaptive Technology Information Center) saw an increase of 15% in student users, a 62% increase in Adaptive Technology Requests, and over 330% increase in Alternate Media Requests (production of alternative formats of standard/inaccessible course materials for MIT students).
From: Mary J Ziegler <maryz@MIT.EDU>
Date: Fri, 9 Oct 2009 15:53:13 -0400
To: Patricia Sheppard <pshepp@mit.edu>
Cc: Steven R Winig <swinig@mit.edu>
Subject: FY10Q1 Accessibility and Usability Team Metrics
Hi Pat,
Steve asked me to forward the attached Q1 metrics for my team to you.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
------- End of Forwarded Message
Mary J. Ziegler, Team Leader
IS&T Accessibility and Usability
MIT ATIC Lab, Room 7-143
Here is the document that was attached to this email: