FY10 Q1
From: Oliver Thomas <othomas@MIT.EDU>
Date: Mon, 19 Oct 2009 09:53:01 -0400
To: Patricia Sheppard <pshepp@mit.edu>
Cc: CSS Managers <css-managers@mit.edu>
Subject: FSX fy09q1 narrative
Hi Pat,
Here is a short paragraph for FSX:
"There were two main activities the Faculty and Student Experience
(FSX) focused on: First, delivering the first version of our new Athena
environment, Debathena, to all our student computer labs (clusters),
Quickstations, and departmental Athena workstations. Second,
coordinating the orientation of the class of 2013, new graduate
students, and new faculty to computing at MIT. Both were completed
successfully through strong collaboration with the Service Desk, ITSS,
ISDA, and OIS. Over the next three months key areas on our radar are
several pilot projects on more effective printing solutions for
students and departments, along with continued attention on the
student computing environment. The latter includes a discovery effort
on delivering academic software through a virtual machine, and
coordination of the next release of Debathena for IAP. These areas
anticipate expected task force recommendations on student printing and
Athena clusters."
Hopefully that will fit, but let me know if you need it trimmed further.
Oliver Thomas
Information Services and Technology
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
+1 617 253 9682
+1 617 835 9682 /m
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