An already-updated cacerts store is available in the touchstone locker, in /mit/touchstone/config/java.
For convenience, install shell profile scripts in /etc/profile.d that define JAVA_HOME, e.g. java.csh:
No Format |
setenv JAVA_HOME /usr/java/default
if ( "${path}" !~ *${JAVA_HOME}/bin* ) then
set path = ( ${JAVA_HOME}/bin $path )
No Format |
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/default
if ! echo $PATH | grep -q ${JAVA_HOME}/bin ; then
export PATH=${JAVA_HOME}/bin:$PATH
Install Tomcat
- Download current Tomcat 6.0 binary distribution (tested with 6.0.20, available in
, and install under /usr/local:No Format # cd /usr/local # tar xzf /path/to/apache-tomcat-6.0.20.tar.gz # rm -f tomcat # ln -s apache-tomcat-6.0.20.tar.gz tomcat
- Create the tomcat user, and change the ownership of the tomcat tree:
Install the tomcat init script in /etc/init.d/, and make sure tomcat is started at boot time:No Format # groupadd -g 52 tomcat # useradd -u 52 -g tomcat -c "Tomcat User" -d /usr/local/tomcat tomcat # chown -R tomcat:tomcat /usr/local/apache-tomcat-6.0.20
No Format # chkconfig --add tomcat
Install Shibboleth IdP
- Extract our distribution tar file into the /usr/local/shibboleth-idp directory:
No Format # mkdir -p /usr/local/shibboleth-idp # chown tomcat:tomcat /usr/local/shibboleth-idp # cd /usr/local/shibboleth-idp # tar xzf /path/to/usr_local_shibboleth-idp.tgz