- Ross
- BHT3 x-section report ver 3.0
- LT per run : method
- TABLE for data sets (A) B,C,D, using sig_BHT3=501 nb. (FYI setB starts from run 10086140, F10448)
- comparison of Ross lumi to Bill's lumi (spot-checks)
- Justin (assuming Luminosity from setABCD = ~12 pb^-1)
- W x-section
- charge separated x-section W+, W- for
- 'test3' W Monte-Carlo
- Ilya: reco energy of W+, W-
- Jan: TPC dead sectors blog
- Bernd:
- theory calculation MISSINg link
- QAed polarization per fill MISSING link
- W-cuts tuning (Jan): TPC sector variation, PDF
- Joe - Background subtraction systematic - See email for now. Will put it in blog after dicussion.