19, 2010
Phone bridge number: 617-324452-73742163 {} , time 5pm to 6+pm ,
AgendaThe key issues:
Focus on APS related issues
- Ross : BHT3 x-section report ver 3.0
- Ross : LT per run for data sets B,C,D [ TABLE MISSING] using sig_BHT3=501 nb.
- Justin :
Post APS
Reconstruction of W kinematics Jan's blog
January 12, 2010
Present: Ross, Ilya, Justin,Jan,Scott
- computing absolute lumi and W xSection. I think it is time to just do it , show, criticize, do it again.
-newer table of luminosity
-first look at efficiencies blog - theory calculation - lets start to plot it on the xSection
- QA of non-embedding M-C: ilya drupal
- update on fill polarization - are we waiting on new values or just on the summary table from Bernd