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You will need to obtain a mitca certificate. For the mitca.cer MIT CA certificate, go to: http://ca.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/mitca.crt and down load and save the certificate. To create the server trust store, use the following command line: keytool -import -keystore serverTrustStore.jks -alias mitca -file mitca.cer When prompted for a password, use a password that is well known to you. Don't forget this password because you will need it when configuring an application to use this keystore.
The serverTrustStore.jks should now contain only the mitca certificate. You can verify this by using the following command line: keytool -list -keystore serverTrustStore.jks And you should get something similar to: Your keystore contains 1 entry mitca, Sep 20, 2007, trustedCertEntry, |