January 4, 2010
Phone bridge number: 617-324452-73742163 , time 5pm to 6+pm ,
#SL09g production: ~done
- QA: Rosi ...
- QA: Justin ...
- QA: Jan ...
- QA: Others ?? ...
- xSection: Ross - integrated lumi per run
- embedding: pilot 500 e+,e- done, Who is doing QA, what to QA
- theory calculation: Bernd
- pure simu request: submitted by Jim, status ?
- plan of tasks before APS - Joe
- upgrade of W-algo
- using of jet finder
- add isolation cut on TPC tracks around electron tracks
- upgrade of Z-algo
- realistic plan for results to be shown at APS, calendar
- which run 9 muDst (SL09b or SL09g)
- which M-C events (no private files)
- any embedding
- theory calculation
- OUTPUT: 'preliminary' or 'final'
- W x-section
- AL(W+), AL(W-)
- Z mass, x-section
- WORK assignment - will be updated
- TPC calibration
- SC & GL
- beam line
- BTOW calibration
- W-xsection
- M-C - when E+B geometry is closed & SF matched
- Embedding readiness