- Calculation of W/Z cross section
- Lumi per run calculation - Is dependent on the vernier scan result, the same event rejection criteria needs to be applied.
- Efficiencies - These all need to be investigated better. It requires official M-C w/o (first) and w/ embedding (later). At this moment we have none.
- Vertexing - Should have a conservative error because we won't be using embedded simulation
- TPC tracking - Should have a conservative error because we won't be using embedded simulation
- Trigger - Has anyone calculated this yet?
- Algo reconstruction - Dependent on simulation, but easy enough to calculate.
- Unfolding of energy reconstruction - Should be investigated using simulation
- Background subtraction - will be finalized after the algorithm is finalized. How do we assign a systematic
- Background subtraction due to known and calculable sources (Z's, W->taus)
- Statistical uncertainties
- Systematic uncertainties (one for everything!)