CSS Leaders Team – original definition from WIKI
The purposes of these meetings are threefold: to share information, have the opportunity to give input and participate in the decision making process, and leadership development.
Conversation starter:
Kick-off meeting was June 29, 2009
- we set meeting time for every 2 weeks > we are loosing energy? Should we make it a MONTHLY Meeting?
- should we still do every 2 weeks alternating core team/working group meeting + larger team?
- what about # of people in the group? Does it limit productivity? Should we be productive on these meetings or stick to information sharing / project updates / discussing smoldering issues?
- Rotating every 2 weeks or monthly > no momentum for facilitator(s). May rotate in a semester basis?
- Lunch time or find other possible time slot?
Meeting Comments:
- Monthly meeting was our decision at first, with initial sessions every 2 weeks just to start up
- Having a working group work meet in between the 1 month schedule may be a good idea
- We should wrap up what we started: core services -> it did go to senior staff, though they have not addressed it yet
- Working group structure:
o Thematic working groups (everyone belongs to one) > bring to monthly meeting where each “theme” stands, provide update. This would allow us to work on parallel topics
o Or should we do groups working on 1 topic at a time
- on monthly meetings it would be useful to get updates on where Senior Staff / Marilyn stands
- Defining core services would define some topics but we have gotten lost in the defining work, it took too long
- How to structure the meeting so we get the right amount of information, right timing etc.?
o e.g. yesterday's project review meeting, lot of us didn’t know about it so sharing that information here would be good
- Who set the agenda, sends reminders etc? -> HQ team/Pat volunteered to take ownership but can delegate to people in the group. "Meeting manager": make sure we have agenda topics, reminders sent out, facilitate etc.
Identified framework to go forward:
o 15 minutes lunch/socializing
o 1st item: update from Barbara (10-15 minutes) - sponsor
o Others can be plug ins with agenda items (limit for 2-3 items/meeting)
o End of meeting > decide on at least 1-2 agenda items for next meeting
o E.g. ticketing, billing, KB management, software release, metrics etc. (these involve all CSS areas)
We are moving to monthly meeting: First Wednesday of every month > Pat will delete current meeting and reschedule starting 1/6/2010
Location: N42. Can we use the Demo Center? > Lunch time booking was in conflict with Quick Start. Mark will assist with booking.
Lunch: starting with brown bag
TOPICS for 1/6/2010:
- Software release – open discussion + Pat/Deb to facilitate
- Project initiation – open discussion + Steve Winig to facilitate
- Budget update - Anne