- W production priority: Bedanga - we are #1
- Code readiness : Jerome 'new'=SL09g was assembled on Monday
- Data production readines based on 1/7 of data produced in dev=SL09g
- muDst at: /star/data05/scratch/balewski/2009-muDst-beamLine3/, BFC="pp2009c ITTF VFPPVnoCTB BEmcChkStat beamLine Corr4 OSpaceZ2 OGridLeak3D -dstout -evout", ready for evaluation
- PPV QA : {Rosi|http://drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/blog/rjreed/2009/dec/07/ppv-500-gev-test-run-qa-dec-7]
- beam line : Rosi
- TPC calib - Joe, Gene, Jan
- #** chi2/dof, Q/PT from SL09g Jan's blog
- SC &GL - After pileup reduction - Still systematic problems - Developing new method to deal with it.
- dedx
- QA BTOW, ETOW, TRG response in dev - Justin's blog