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  1. W production priority: Bedanga - we are #1
  2. Code readiness : Jerome 'new' will be assembled today !=SL09g was assembled on Monday
  3. Data production readines based on 1/7 of data produced in dev=SL09g
    • , muDst at: /star/data05/scratch/balewski/2009-muDst-beamLine3/, BFC="pp2009c ITTF VFPPVnoCTB BEmcChkStat beamLine Corr4 OSpaceZ2 OGridLeak3D -dstout -evout", ready for evaluation
    • PPV QA : Rosi
    • beam line : Rosi
    • TPC calib - Joe, Gene, Jan
    • chi2/dof, Q/PT from SL09g Jan's blog
      • SC &GL - going after pileup?
      • dedxchi2/dof
    • QA BTOW, ETOW, TRG response in dev - anything is missing/wrong ?
  4. Embedding readiness - Pibero
    • TPC: position corrections for mixed clusters, chi2/dof, dedx - Gene
    • summary of convergence about SF & LOW_EM - Matt
    • are ETOW gains 'ofl' ?
    • ETOW gain data/mc - Justin follow up
    • Ilya - update
    • pilot W-embedding request of single high energy electrons details - not in execution
      • goals:
        Code Block
        * test how beam line offset used by GSTAR is changed from fill to fill,
        * test how multiple use of the same ZB events is handled (different M-C seed, different output file name)
        * test the ZB event time stamp, event ID, run # is preserved
        * test proper gains for BTOW & ETOW are used
        * test reco electron energy agrees w/ thrown energy
        * test chi2/dof for tracks is reasonable
        * test dedx is reasonable
        * test raw ADC for all BTOW & ETOW towers are stored in muDst
        * test correlation between .geant and muDst events
        * test timing , disk space
  5. W x-section: Ross
  6. AOB
