was approved by spin PWG and Jim made the made official request
2) Best guess of BFC options
- | GSTAR general | ||||
magnetic filed | time stamp=Apr 1, 2009 | ||||
detectors | TPC | BTOW | ETOW | BSMD | ESMD |
SF used in | ? atm pressure? | mSF[0,1,2] = {1/0.07,0,0}]]></ac:plain-text-body></ac:structured-macro> | 0.05 (as is) | remove eta dependence | no eta, phi |
gains used in | TpcRS ADC*2.6 | dbFlavor=Wbose3 | dbFlavor=ofl | force 5GeV electron at eta=0.5 | force 5GeV muon at eta=0.5 |
status table *) | ideal: 100% working | ideal | ideal | ideal | ideal |
*) Note, for the real sub-event the embedding will copy 1:1 the its content to the output muDst