November 3
Phone bridge number 617 452-52082163 , Time 5 pm to 6+pm pm, up to 10 connections
- PPV , Rosi, solution to CMB problem
- TPC calib: Gene, Joe
- SC &GL
- tuning of TPX slow simu , needed for embedding
- evaluation of chi2/track for M-C & data (again embedding)
- closing Endcap geometry - Ilya
- status of approval of embedding request - Bernd
- Generation of M-C events w/ 2009 geometry (efficiency, embedding)
- BTOW calibration: Joe + Matt
- Vernier scan: what W xSection have we measured in run 9, error discussion, Ross
- study of beackground, events reco : Justin & Scott
- progress on W->Jet+Jet+X channel
- anything else
October 27
Present: Justin, Joe, Ross, Will,Gene, Scott, Ilya,
- W-analysis plan shown to PWGC by Bernd
- Embedding plan - Jan, procedural steps:
a) Present the same task list for completeness in tomorrows software meeting : Jan
b) Present a brief update of this during the SPIN PWG meeting, in particular a statement about the question for embedding - TPC calib: Gene, Joe
- BTOW calib: Joe, Matt
- PPV , Rosi
- Ross , eta dependence of non-gaussianity
- Justin, Scott Kinematics Transvers Mass
- anything else