Metadata Element | Qualifier | DC Terms | MARC | VRA Core 4.0 | EAD (used for Finding Aids) | Archivists' Toolkit (Digital Object Module) | METS |
contributor | (null) | dcterms: contributor | 111,711 |
contributor | advisor |
| — |
contributor | author |
| 100,110,700 | — |
contributor | department |
| 710 |
| |
contributor | editor |
| — |
contributor | other |
| — |
contributor | illustrator |
| — |
contributor | creator | creator | 100, 110, 111 | Agents (agent name, agent culture, agent dates) |
creator |
| 100, 110, 111 |
| origination (if more than one, pick one for MARC) | sortName (role:creator) |
identifier | (null) | identifier |
| |
| digitalObjectId |
| fileVersionId |
| sequence |
identifier | oclc |
| 035 |
identifier | govdoc |
| 086 |
identifier | isbn |
| 020 |
identifier | issn |
| 022 |
identifier | sici |
identifier | ismn |
identifier | other |
| strn(027,088) | Record number |
identifier | uri |
| 856 |
| unitid | metsidentifier, |
identifier | citation | bibliographicCitation | 524 |
| prefercite | preferred citation note (maps to dc.description) |
identifier |
| fileVersions use statement |
language | iso | Language | 041 |
| langmaterial | languageCode |
description | (null) | description | 500,513 | View title, Work Description |
description | abstract | abstract | 520 |
| abstract | abstract note |
description | provenance |
| 541 |
| acqinfo | Immediate Source of Acquisition note (maps to dc.source) |
description | sponsorship |
| 536(funding) |
| sponsor |
description | statementofresponsibility |
| |
description |
| 545 |
| bioghist | Biog/Hist note |
description |
| 520 |
| scopecontent | scope & content note |
description |
| 500 |
| odd, note | general note note |
description | tableofcontents | tableOfContents | 505 |
description | uri |
| 852, 856 |
| repository, archref | RepositoryName, (?)repository uri (maps to description?) |
description | degree |
date | (null) | date |
| Date |
date | accessioned |
date | available | available |
date | copyright | dateCopyrighted | 260 |
date | created | created | 245 | Start/End Year | unitdate | dateExpression or dateBegin, dateEnd |
date | issued | issued |
date | submitted | dateSubmitted |
subject | (null) | subject | 600, 610 | Subject | controlaccess, persname, famname role=subject | sortName |
| 655 | controlaccess, | subjectTerm |
| |
| 657 | controlaccess, | subjectTerm |
| |
| 651 |
| ||
| 656 | controlaccess, | subjectTerm |
| |
| 650 | controlaccess, | subjectTerm |
| |
| 630 | controlaccess, | subjectTerm |
| |
subject | classification |
subject | ddc |
| |
subject | lcc |
subject | lcsh |
| 600,610,650,651 | Subject |
subject | mesh |
subject | other |
| Culture |
subject | cip |
title | (null) | title | 245 | Title (primary) | unittitle | title |
| 245 |
| label |
title | alternative | alternative | 130,210,240,242,246,730,740 | Title (variant) |
| |
format | (null) | format |
| Technique |
| 254, 255, 256 |
| materialspec | material specifics details note |
| 300 |
| physfacet | physical facet note |
format | extent | extent | 300 |
| dimensions | dimensions note |
format | medium | medium |
| Material | phystech | physical characteristics & technical requirements |
format? | support |
| Material |
format | mimetype |
publisher | (null) | publisher |
relation | (null) | relation |
| Relation_Type |
| ||
| 544 |
| relatedmaterial | related archival material note |
relation | isformatof | isFormatOf |
| "Model for" |
Relation? | hasformat | hasFormat |
| "Model is" |
Relation? | isplanof |
| "Plan for" |
Relation? | hasplan |
| "Plan is" |
Relation? | isstudyof |
| "Study for" |
Relation? | hasstudy |
| "Study is" |
relation | ispartof | isPartOf | 856 | "Component of" |
| (Collection number) |
relation | ispartofseries |
relation | haspart | hasPart |
| "Component is" |
| |
relation | isversionof | isVersionOf |
| "Copy after" |
| fileVersions digital object title |
relation | hasversion | hasVersion |
| "Copy is" |
| |
relation | isbasedon |
relation | isreferencedby | isReferencedBy |
relation | requires | requires |
relation | replaces | replaces |
relation | isreplacedby | isReplacedBy |
relation | uri |
| Related_Work_No | archref | parent resource title, eadFaLocation |
| 535 |
| originalsloc | Existence and location of originals (maps to dc.source) |
rights | (null) | rights |
rights | uri |
rights | access | accessRights | 506 | Image_Rights Statement | accessrestrict | conditions governing access note |
rights | copyright |
| 540 | Image_Copyright | userestrict | conditions governing use note |
*type | (null) | type | 008 | WorkType |
| objectType |
coverage | temporal | temporal |
| 'Period |
coverage | spatial | spatial |
| Location | controlaccess, geoname |
- Type in DSpace - Archival material, Article, Conference Proceeding, Book, Book chapter, Dataset, Image, Learning Object, Other, Plan or blueprint, Preprint, Presentation, Recording, acoustical, Software, Technical Report, Thesis, Video, Working Paper