- implementing deconvolution code would take months in real time , during meeting we have agreed to descope this item
- commissioning of MC filter. Jerome plans to personally review the code, not sure when it may happen. Jan made suggestion to delegate this task.
- ETOW geom is ~done for Jerome. However Ilya confirmed it is 'not right' for IUCF. the new SF=4.7% changes by 6% in the wrong direction if XXX? is changed in geometry. A week+ is needed to resolve it.
Rosi confirmed the T0 fix did not helped in restoring CMB tracks in PPV. She will try to investigate it further, but asked for new ideas. So far nothing is wrong. It was not confirmed CMB tracks are missing also for M-C events. This item has no ETA.
Joe & Matt realized the mip-less towers w/ good slope have either wide pedestal, or low gain, or unstable HV, or all of the above (the spectra and detailed rapport will be posted). All such towers will have offline gains determined from the slopes (are restored). Now we will have only ~100 dead towers in BTOW. List of those will be posted on emc2-hn , so there is a record, perhaps some can be repaired before the run. No evidence of the elusive towers with mixed fibers. This item is declared to be resolved.
Gene reported T0 fix is in DB. Today Joe can start working on SC & GL calibration. ETA 1 week, perhaps longer. The 'stop condition' is achieved residuals in sDCA below 0.3mm.
Revelation: once SC & GL are in DB, Jan need to run pilot production so Rosi can re-examine beam line constrain and upload those to DB. Total ETA ~3 days.
Ross prepared his (& my) first guess of systematic errors contributing to the Xsection, see last item below.
For now the outstanding item (20%) is due to the gauss shape? used in the V-scan fit. We need more details (plots, comparisons) to discuss it.
Material used during discussion