- tweet about MIT spotlights and lib resources for them
- tweet about our good video tutorials
- tweet about Ellen's podcast series
- tweet about server downtime and other real time events
- ask users questions or what they think?
- tell people things they wouldn't have known otherwise?
- our recent survey showed that people don't know about XXX service, did you?
- frame things in terms of user needs and how we can help them
- twitter new LibGuides
- twitter some cool photos that we have on Flickr
- twitter about our staff and what they do (non-work)
- Possibly twitter about other depts. at MIT and what they are doing
Ways to track stats on followers & tweets: (from http://andyburkhardt.com/2009/09/28/how-to-track-your-librarys-social-media-stats/ )
Remlee's working on these things when she has time (6/11/09)...