- my first MapReduce (M/R) code
- install VMware on the local machine
- import Hadoop server from http://www.
- cloudera.com/hadoop-training-virtual-machine
- fire VM up
- To use Streamers add system variable:
export SJAR=/usr/lib/hadoop/contrib/streaming/hadoop-0.20.1+133-streaming.jar
Now you can writhe M?R in any language - upload Shakespeare text to HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System)
cd ~/git/data
tar vzxf shakespeare.tar.gz
check nothig is in HDFS
hadoop fs -ls /user/training
add unpacked text gile to HDFS and check again
hadoop fs -put input /user/training/inputShak - (source) (target)
hadoop fs -ls /user/training - Execute M/R job using 'cat' & 'wc'
hadoop jar $SJAR \
-mapper cat \
-reducer wc \
-input inputShak \
-output outputShak- inspect output in
hadoop fs -cat outputShak/p*
- inspect output in