- Overview of the STAR W spin physics program in polarized proton-proton collisions at ps = 500GeV at RHICT - Bernd
- Absolute Cross Section for W+ and W− Boson Production at ps = 500 GeV at STAR - Justin
- First measurement of the parity-violating spin asymmetry AL for W± boson at STAR - Jan
- Determining sampled luminosity in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 500 GeV at STAR using the vernier scan technique - Ross
DNP W talk by Joe: final version
Ws measured by STAR in 2009 run
- vernier scan agrees with Angelika in fitting time dependent shape, still disagrees with Bill on estimate of BHT3 xSection (blog)-Ross
- PPV - status of evaluation of SL09b production, missing CMB tracks
PPV blog: - TPC calibration - Gene
- when can we replay data for one fill?
- BTOW calibration
- relative are done, or ?
- Joe
- absolute : E/P using slopes & ideal gains - Matt
- relative are done, or ?
- W analysis
- Joe - updates? Close to final version to be shown on Thursday.
- Justin -
- W paper 1 - Bernd
- CNI polarization of protons during 500 GeV run (Data files: ): Yellow Fill dependence: and Blue Fill dependence: - Bernd
- Background Estimation - link
- Ws from Phenix ,
Gallery include Picture 8.png title Gallery include Picture 9.png title
- Ws from Phenix ,
- Announcements
- Hal finished run QA for fills: 10383,10389,10399, 10402. We are done!