2010 Spring APS abstracts:
- *Overview of the STAR W spin physics program in polarized proton-proton
collisions at ps = 500GeV at RHICT* - Bernd - ** - Justin
- Absolute cross sections Absolute Cross Section for W+ , W-, and Z production at \sqrt(s) and W− Boson Production at ps = 500 GeV at STAR - Ross
explains absolute norm of xSection, shows: Vernier scan, beam background corrections, cross section for W+ , W- from barrel (separately), perhaps xSection for Z, e+/e- separation will NOT be discussed in this talk Justin - First measurement First measurements of the parity-violating spin asymmetry A_L for W+/- at midrapidity at STAR - Jan
Shows: charge sign discrimination: Q/Pt & opposite signs for Zs, spin dependent backgroundAL for W± boson at STAR - Jan - Determining sampled luminosity in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 500 GeV at STAR using the vernier scan technique - Ross
- DNP W talk: final version?
- TPC calib progress - Gene
- vernier scan agrees with Angelika, still disagrees with Bill (blog)-Ross
- Justin - new away side veto blog
- Jan - model of Jacobian peak w/ 3D Gauss smearing blog
- Scott - longitudinal smearing of initial-state parton momentum blog
- A few plots relating to longitudinal initial state momentum blog