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  1. DNP W talk: final version?
  2. TPC calib progress - Gene
  3. vernier scan agrees with Angelika, still disagrees with Bill (blog)-Ross
  4. Justin - new away side veto blog
  5. Jan - model of Jacobian peak w/ 3D Gauss smearing blog
  6. Scott - longitudinal smearing of initial-state parton momentum blog 
    1. A few plots relating to longitudinal initial state momentum blog
  7. add yourself
  8. Spring APS abstract(s), suggestions after talking to Bernd, '?'- from Jan suggested titles, content
    1. The W program at STAR: Current Status and Future Plans - Bernd
      includes FGT, example of single events from run 9 (lego plots) : di-jet, W-event, Z-event
    2. Analysis of W boson production using the STAR detector at RHIC - Justin
      Shows: data/M-C comparison, QCD background , Jacobian peak , whatever you come-up with,
      absolute xSection for Ws in the barrel, perhaps also in the Endcap,
      summed over both charges.
    3. Absolute cross sections for W+, W-, and Z production at \sqrt(s) = 500 GeV at STAR - Ross
      Shows: Vernier scan, beam background corrections, cross section for W+ , W- from barrel (separately),
      perhaps xSection for Z,
      e+/e- separation will NOT be discussed in this talk
    4. First measurements of the parity-violating spin asymmetry A_L for W+/- at midrapidity at STAR - Jan
      Shows: harge sign discrimination: Q/Pt & opposite signs for Zs,
      spin dependent background
    5. xSection(W+) W- Bernd
    6. AL(W+), W- Jan
    7. data-driven QCD background models, ?spin dependent backg, ?Endcap Ws - Justin
    8. Vernier scan, ?Zs - Ross

September 29

Present: Hal,Joe, Ross, Jan, Scott, Justin, Gene
