Google and YouTube video services have created extensions of the ATOM schema. They both rely on ATOM for submission of content. This makes it of very great interest to us, if we choose to use those services.
Standard: AudioMD
The Library of Congress developed extensions schema for METS in order to capture format specific techncial metadata for their Audio/Video Prototype pproject. AudioMD is a basic schema that should be looked into.
- Nina suggested adding OCW audio/video metadata to the big table of metadata standards being created on the DOME Core main page.
- OCW's audio video projects should be added to our list of research topics
- All of us will look into audio research data standards and projects
- It may be worthwhile to also research audio file formats
- In research metadata standards and projects we should focus on producing a list of relevant elements from the standard/project.
New Research Topics
New Standards
- AES-X098B
- MusicXML
- Variations 2
- AudioMD
- Broadcast WAV
- Research In Harmony
- Research Variations 2
- Research MusicXML
- Post MPEG-21 notes to wiki
- Post Seattle Project Notes to wiki
- Post Audio Metadata Book Chapter to wiki
- Research AES-X098B standard
- Research Broadcast WAV standard
- Find her research topics
- Research AudioMD standard
- Post ID3/ATOM notes to wiki
Wiki Markup Post meeting notes to wiki \[DONE\]
- Research SMIL
- Research OCW