- LC/PCC copy
- Fixed field
- Variable fields
- Description
- Access Points
- Series interim procedures---not yet finalized (Oct. 2006)
- Fixed field
- Variable fields
- Description
- Access Points
- Series interim procedures
- Contributed copy
- Fixed field
- Variable fields
- Description
- Access Points
- Series interim procedures
- LC exceptions
- Added Entries for MIT Names
- Bibliographies/Z Classification
- Classification: PZ1-PZ4
- Exhibition Catalogs for MIT Museums
- Later Editions
- N class
- Microform Reproductions
- TR class
- T171: works by and about MIT
Conferences and classed together series
- Cataloging guidelines for monograph conference proceedings for Engineering and Science
- Introduction
- Summary
- Guidelines
- Searching guidelines when no call number is given
- Materials Research Society symposia
- Special situations
- Library-supplied call number
- Multiple conference call numbers
- Hierarchical conference relationships