RISG 9/16/09
Present: Remlee Green (chair), Bill Helman, Lisa Horowitz (minutes), Angie Locknar, Heather McCann, Anita Perkins, Lisa Sweeney, Mark Szarko, Barbara Williams
1. Announcements and updates
Committee members shared reports from other committees that are related to RISG.
Brochures: PSLG agreed that we could discard any brochures about the individual libraries rather than redoing them, if they have not already redone. Only Humanities is continuing to use brochures, for bookmobile and other outreach.
2. Sorority outreach.
Last winter Peter Cohn met with one sorority for a library orientation. He contacted other sororities, and had several positive responses. He is going to follow up with them. Stephanie Hartman will be helping out. Mark volunteered to work with them.
3. Knowledgebase ideas
Lisa presented several ways that knowledgebases (basically question and answers databases, similar to the Dewey Database Advisor) might be established for MIT users and for Libraries staff. A task force was established to consider knowledgebase products for our user community. Lisa will convene, with Heather, Bill, Anita
4. Fall project planning:
Looking at the goals and future agenda items wiki page.
At the next meeting, we will review projects list again to ensure that we are not doing too much. Remlee will clean up the page, removing all the activities that are done and collapsing combined projects.
5. Database cheatsheets guide. The group agreed to eliminate these pages.
6. Awareness of research guides. Discussed a variety of ways to promote research guides.
- Rotch made bookmarks to advertise some of their stuff with URL. Pass out bookmarks when check out books.
- Show in instruction
- Labs: Ask computer labs to default to libraries home page, but when computers are updated may be over-written.
- Put a link to research guides into mini.
- Info graphics into news and events space on home page. Anita from ISG project. Will meet with Darcy to discuss. Could use that space for topical graphics. Could consider doing a promo in there.
- In next usability tests, card sorting, ask if research guides means anything. Ask users what they would call it.
- Slide show in Rotch on monitor at the services desk, and at Dewey. Use these, as well as screen saver for promotion. CFG did discuss screen savers to promote services across the libraries. If RISG creates a new slide show, could use that for screen savers and for monitors near service desks. Make sure that one graphic there is the research guide.