RISG Minutes Wed., 08/19/2009 10-11:45; Rotch Conference Room
Angie, Anita, Barbra, Bill (minutes), Heather, Lisa H., Lisa S., Maggie, Mark, Remlee
1. Announcements
- RISG Budget: discussed budget allocation for Spring semester and intersessions.
- Libraries Homepage: Beta to go live Wednesday. Remlee will ask for feedback on Services A-Z list.
- Upcoming Staff Training: New homepage, Vera and Touchstone. Members asked to encourage local staff to attend.
2. Group Updates
- Videos tutorials:
- Will be debuting a new tool (Jing) to allow staff to easily create basic video tutorials soon.
- Still working on reorganizing and editing existing video tutorials.
- JulyAP:
- Placed on a future agenda item: ideas to increase attendance, future dates, etc.
- Cite Help:
- No updates, moving according to schedule
- Knowledgebase:
- Added as agenda item for next meeting
- Reference Documentation:
- No updates, moving according to schedule
- Orientation:
- No updates, moving according to schedule
- Information Navigator:
- Migration to libguide almost complete
- Angie will send out an email asking for feebback before the start of the semester
- Reference Statistics:
- Discussion on proposed studies added as an agenda item for next meeting
3. Instruction Toolkit (Mark)
- Discussed the general organization, potential items to share (multimedia, presentation and promotional materials), new categories. It was agreed that it should be pre-populated with material provided by RISG, and then allowed to grow with aditional user content.
4. IAP Planning (Remlee)
- Remlee will put a call out for volunteers, deadline 09/15
5. Survey Results (Heather)
- Discussed trends and differences in 2005 and 2008 scatterplots and comments.
- Heather will post to the Wiki: Click
- on the paper clip icon, and view the attachments.
- Discussion on how this data should be used added as future agenda item.
6. Coordinating efforts for developing teaching skills (Barbra)
- Discussed ways to for RISG to coach other library staff members in teaching/instruction skills. Group will begin with informal outreach within units, Barbra will begin work on creating a formal group.
7. Undergrad Assesment (Mark)
- Discussed pilot program, agreed that it has the potential to provide good data over time.