Gyu-boong Jo, Ye-ryoung Lee, Jae-hoon Choi, Caleb. A. Christensen, Tony. H. Kim, Joseph. H. Thywissen, David. E. Pritchard, and Wolfgang Ketterle
Itinerant Ferromagnetism in a Fermi Gas of Ultracold Atoms
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C.A. Christensen, S. Will, M. Saba, G.-B. Jo, Y.Shin, W. Ketterle, and D.E. Pritchard
Trapping of Ultracold Atoms in a Hollow-core Photonic Crystal Fiber
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G.-B. Jo, J.-H. Choi, C. A. Christensen, Y.-R. Lee, T. A. Pasquini, W. Ketterle, and D. E. Pritchard
Matter-Wave Interferometry with Phase Fluctuating Bose-Einstein Condensates
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G.-B. Jo, Y. Shin, S. Will, T. A. Pasquini, M. Saba, W. Ketterle , D. E. Pritchard, M. Vengalattore, and M. Prentiss
Long Phase Coherence Time and Number Squeezing of Two Bose-Einstein Condensates on an Atom Chip
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T. A. Pasquini, M. Saba, G. Jo, Y. Shin, W. Ketterle, D. E. Pritchard, T. A. Savas, N. Mulders
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Y. Shin, M. Saba, M. Vengalattore, T. A. Pasquini, C. Sanner, A. E. Leanhardt, M. Prentiss, D. E. Pritchard, and W. Ketterle
Dynamical Instability of a Doubly Quantized Vortex in a Bose-Einstein Condensate
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Y. Shin, M. Saba, A. Schirotzek, T. A. Pasquini, A. E. Leanhardt, D. E. Pritchard, and W. Ketterle
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Y. Shin, M. Saba, T. Pasquini, W. Ketterle, D.E. Pritchard, and A.E. Leanhardt
Atom Interferometry with Bose-Einstein Condensates in a Double-Well Potential
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A. E. Leanhardt, T. A. Pasquini, M. Saba, A. Schirotzek, Y. Shin, D. Kielpinski, D. E. Pritchard, and W. Ketterle
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