The launch version of the Collaboratorium includes the following models:
- Climate models
C-LEARN, a Web based climate simulation-based version of C-ROADS, a simulation of Sustainability Institute and Ventana Systems that is part of the Climate Interactive effort - Sea level rise module (, based on Rahmstorf’s correlation between historical temperature increases and sea level rise)
- Physical impacts model from the Tyndall Center
- Integrated assessment models
Climate change damage cost model costs based on DICE and PAGE2002 - Climate change mitigation cost scenarios from the CCSP study (U.S. Climate Change Program's 2007 study , using model runs of IGSM, MiniCAM, and MERGE)
For more on these, see the Models page
Future models
In the future the Collaboratorium will incorporate extensions of existing models, as well as new models, based on how the Community chooses to augment and add to the current suite of models.
For more on how radically open modeling could work, see Stages in the development of Radically Open Modeling. Steps toward radically open modeling.
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