- BTOW final 5% calibration, needed to release Jacobian peak vs. ET.
- relative -Joe
- absolute -Matt
- TPC - any news ? Gene
- PPV - status of evaluation of SL09b production - Rosi
- Vernier scan - Ross
- detailed plan to complete this task
- update on progress
Wiki Markup Understanding QCD e+/e- ratio at ET \[15,20] GeV - Scott
- Status of W analysis:
- Joe detailed presentation of alternative W-algo, run 9 data & M-C
- Jan's ver 4.2 : bug fix, upgrade, answers to questions after last week spin PWG presentation , slides
- using ETOW in W-algo - Justin
- layout of paper 1 (Latex files) Bernd
- CNI polarization of protons during 500 GeV run, Bernd?
- Announcements
- Hal finished run QA for fills: 10403, 10404, 10407, 10412.