- Run selection: run list (423 runs) , muDst list (8551 files) , available # of events: input=1.30e6, L2wET=9.65e5
- use SL09b muDst after BHT3 'notch' problem was fixed, beginGMT= 2009-03-28 12:34:27, comprising ~80% of recorded data
- RHIC fill range: F10448 - F10536
- STAR run range: R10086140 - R10103046
- skip runs w/ badly functioning TPC (~no vertices found) : R10084013, R10088103, R10081024, R10095032, R10085022, R10088060, R10085103, R10087007, R10093049, R10085118
- run analysis on muDst's
- access TRG,TPC,BTOW,BSMD directly from muDst containers
- apply calibrations from DB 'by hand' in analysis code
- Trigger bits requirement
Wiki Markup BHT3 trig ID: 23054\[01\] or small IDs for some runs
Wiki Markup L2W trig ID: 23060\[01\] or small IDs
- L2-bit1 (on line value was ET>13 GeV)
- count L2-bit0 (random accept of BHT3) for absolute 'seen' cross section
- Reco prim vertex requirements
- rank>0
- | z-vertex | <100 cm
- Reco TPC track requirements
- prim tracks belong to selected prim vertex
- (flag=301 for primary) or (flag=101 for global) component
- if primary is valid but its global pointer is NULL skip the primary track, but keep the rest of the event
- nFit/nPoss>0.51
- for high energy electron candidate require additional
- nFitPoints>=15
- if track PT>10 GeV/c assume it is 10 GeV/c
- do not use TPC dEdX information for SL09b events
- BTOW: use ideal gains, actual status tables & pedestals , 'ofl' flavor for all, no time stamp set in the user code
- assume tower is dead if status!=1
Wiki Markup assume tower ADC=0 if (rawADC-ped)< \[3*sigPed or 8 counts]
- BSMD use Willi's 2009 calibration , no time stamp set in the user code
- use relative gains, DB flavor=Wbose
- use status bits from DB , flavor=ofl
- use pedestal residua from DB , flavor=ofl
Wiki Markup assume strip is dead if status not in range \[1,19]
- assume strip ADC=0 if (ZS ADC-pedRes)< 3* sigPed
- for the record: must use custom absolute calibration ( ADC--> energy), describe it