Welcome to the 2006 Horizon Project Wiki. This space has been created as a place for the members of the Horizon Project Advisory Board to manage the process of selecting the foci for the 2006 Horizon Report, which will be co-published by the New Media Consortium (NMC) and the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI), and released as part of the closing keynote session of the annual ELI meeting in San Diego on January 31, 2006.
For additional detail on the timeline, including all activities and due dates, click here or on the graphic above. The menu below will lead you to a variety of resources, news items, discussion areas, links, and more. The items in these areas are meant to grow – please add to them liberally from your own readings and environmental scanning – and above all, leave comments!
Current Focus: 2006 Short List — these are the areas we are considering for inclusion in the 2006 Horizon Report
STATUS: Advisory Board members are reviewing the 12 items below in preparation for the upcoming final selection the week of December 5, 2005.
Each of the 12 items below has undergone initial research and a one-page summary has been prepared in the general format of the Horizon Report. Advisory Board members are encouraged to add comments and links to any section, or to insert questions that they may have. Suggestions for alternate names or wordings are encouraged.
Sandbox — this is the space where most of the work of the 2006 Horizon Report was initally captured
First Pass at Rankings
STATUS: Advisory Board members have conducted the first pass at ranking the technologies, trends, and challenges that will become the focus of the 2006 Horizon Report and the initial analysis of those rankings is completed.
Each Advisory Board member was given 10 votes to allocate among the items listed under each of the five questions (50 votes total) as a way of indicating the relative importance of the items to our foci of teaching, learning and creative expression.