The college bar is just downstairs and is frequently a hot spot after dinner especially after formal hall on nights when clubs invite guests. The bar has two levels though it took almost 2 months until we ventured downstairs. It isn't as lively down there, but there is a television which you can check out if you are keen as it will probably be the only TV you watch while in Cambridge. No satellite though, for that you have to be friends with someone at Trinity or Sidney Sussex or something.
The Tyranny that is Internet Access at Caius
As mentioned before, 37 Green street has no ethernet. If you are here, move at all costs. You must apply for a static IP address as soon as possible. The link is above. After a week they will send you an email with connecting information. But if you say you have windows XP on the form, you won't be allowed to connect until after they inspect your computer. Inspect is a polite word for what they do. They will uninstall any peer to peer software you have. They will uninstall your antivirus software and install their own. They will make sure you have winXP service pack 2 and security patches. Once they give you the ok, you can go home and you will be connected the following day after following the instructions at http://www.cai.cam.ac.uk/college/computing/setup.php People with other OS's i believe don't need to have their computers checked.
Once you are online, you just need to make sure you dont go over 500 megs a day or else you risk getting your connection turned off. The Janet website http://www.cam.ac.uk/localusersonly/cs/netdiv/usage/janet/item/byhost/00086/ will help you track your usage as they post the top 20 users.