Versions Compared


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  1. Run selection: use SL09b muDst after BHT3 'notch' problem was fixed, beginGMT= 2009-03-28 12:34:27, comprising ~80% of recorded data
    • F10448 - F10536
    • R10087001 - R10103046
      • skip runs w/ badly functioning TPC (~no vertices found) : R10084013, R10088103, R10081024, R10095032, R10085022, R10088060, R10085103, R10087007, R10093049, R10085118
  2. run analysis on muDst and access TRG,TPC,BTOW,BSMD info directly from muDst containers, apply calibrations from DB 'by hand' (no use a2e makers, point makers, etc)
  3. Trigger bits
    1. Wiki Markup
      BHT3 trig ID: 23054\[01\] or small IDs
    2. Wiki Markup
      L2W trig ID: 23060\[01\] or small IDs
    3. L2-bits: ET>13 GeV accept
  4. Reco prim vertex selection
    1. rank>=0
    2. | z-vertex | <80 cm
  5. Reco TPC track selection
    1. prim tracks belong to selected prim vertex
    2. flag=301 for primary or 101 for global component
    3. nFitPoints>20 ??
    4. nFit/nPoss>0.51
    5. drop track if last point in belong to one of the 'worse' 3 sectors:
      • Wiki Markup
        West TPC sector 11, phi =\[1.9,2.3\] rad
      • Wiki Markup
        West TPC sector 4,  phi =\[-0.7, -0.3\] rad
      • Wiki Markup
        East TPC sector 21,  phi =\[-0.7, -0.3\] rad
  6. BTOW: use ideal gains & actual status tables & pedestals
    1. assume tower dead if status!=1
    2. assume tower ADC=0 if