September 1, 2009
Phone bridge number 617 452 2163 , Time 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm, up to 10 connections
To be posted
August 27, 2009
- Evaluation of SL09b production
- Matt - electrons in BTOW
- Gene - TPC accuracy
- Rosi - vertex finder
- Jan - QA of vertex finder for L2W events
- W analysis: who is working on it? What is your strategy? Do you need help?
- Ross
- Jan : wants to use default jet finder (for isolation and away side veto cuts) and has 0 experience.
- anyone else ?
- jet finder tasks (Jan needs help), .C macro
- decide on jet finding params, detectors: TPC, BTOW, ETOW
- decide on data massage:
- TPC track PT saturated at 10 GeV/c
- identify/reject hot unmasked towers
- temporary BTOW abs calibration
- ability to select prim tracks not from other than first primary vertex
- compute not only jet ET but also uncertainty of jet ET (to identify & ignore huge but uncertain jet energies)
- run jet finder over 600 runs, QA performance, uniformity per run, per fill
- TPC calibration, Gene: Could you describe realistic timeline for complete TPC calibration: PadrowT0, Twist, ShortedRing
Next production should include all of the above - ETOW gains - Scott/Justin
- uploading 2009 gains to DB http://drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/blog/stevens4/2009/aug/05/run-9-eemc-tcd-phase-and-effective-gains
- Are we done? Do we see tower-only pi0 peak with those gains
- BSMD relative gains - Willie
- final writeup about relatve calibration for pp500 http://drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/blog/wleight/2009/aug/07/determination-bsmd-relative-gains
- upload rel gains to BSMD with special flavor
- Vernier scan - Ross, all 6 pp500 runs have been produced.
- http://drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/blog/rcorliss/2009/aug/27/absolute-cross-section-notes-6
- Is BHT3 x-section consistent over 6 runs?
- Announcements
- Jan: the following runs will be tagged as Xx because there is 0 or <100 events with found vertex :
R10084013, R10088103, R10081024, R10095032, R10085022, R10088060, R10085103, R10087007, R10093049, R10085118 - corrupted muDst: /star/data33/reco/production2009_500Gev_c/ReversedFullField/P09ib/2009/097/10097044/st_W_10097044_raw_6180001.MuDst.root
- Jan: the following runs will be tagged as Xx because there is 0 or <100 events with found vertex :