{excerpt:hidden=true}{*}System:* One [point particle] constrained to move in one dimension. --- *Interactions:* Any that respect the one-dimensional motion. {excerpt}
h4. Introduction to the Model
h5. Description and Assumptions
This [model] is applicable to a single [point particle] subject to an [acceleration] that is constrained to one dimension and which is either parallel to or [anti-parallel] to the particle's initial [velocity].
h4h5. ProblemLearning CuesObjectives
InStudents practice,will thisbe modelassumed isto onlyunderstand usefulthis whenmodel a one-dimensional acceleration is given that has a _known_ time dependence. If the acceleration is constant, the sub-model [One-Dimensional Motion with Constant Acceleration|1-D Motion (Constant Acceleration)] should be used. If the acceleration is sinusoidal (described by a sine, cosine, or sum of the two), the sub-model [Simple Harmonic Motion] should be used. Thus, in practice, the problem cue for this model is that the acceleration will be given as an explicit and integrable function of time, most often a polynomial (the acceleration might also be plotted as a linear function of time).
h2. Model
h4who can:
* Choose the one graph possible velocity or acceleration vs. time graphs which corresponds to a model position versus time graph.
* Differentiate position given as a polynomial function of time to find the corresponding [velocity] and [acceleration].
* Integrate the velocity or acceleration when given as a polynomial function of time along with appropriate initial conditions to find the functional form of the position.
h4. S.I.M. Structure of the Model
h5. Compatible Systems
A single [point particle|point particle] (or a system treated as a point particle with position specified by the center of mass).
h4h5. Relevant Interactions
Some time-varying external influence that is confined to one dimension.
h4. Laws of Change
h5. Mathematical Representation
h5h6. Differential Forms
{latex}\begin{large}\[ \frac{dv}{dt} = a\]\end{large}{latex}\\
{latex}\begin{large}\[ \frac{dx}{dt} = v\]\end{large}{latex}\\
\\ {column}{column}
h5h6. Integral Forms
{latex}\begin{large}\[ v(t) = v(t_{i})+\int_{t_{i}}^{t} a\;dt\]\end{large}{latex}\\
{latex}\begin{large}\[ x(t) = x(t_{i})+\int_{t_{i}}^{t} v\;dt\]\end{large}{latex}\\ {column}{section}
h4h5. Diagrammatic Representations
* [position versus time graph]
* [velocity versus time graph]
* acceleration versus time graph
* [motion diagram]
|[!phet-logo.gif|width=150!|http://phet.colorado.edu/sims/moving-man/moving-man_en.jnlp]|[Click here|http://phet.colorado.edu/sims/moving-man/moving-man_en.jnlp] to run a simulation demonstrating position, \\velocity and acceleration graphs for general 1-D motion|Simulation provided by:\\{*}PhET Interative Simulations{*}\\{*}University of Colorado{*}\\ [http://phet.colorado.edu]|
h2h4. Relevant Examples
* [Accelerate, Decelerate]
* [An Exercise in Continuity]