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{excerpt:hidden=true}Another way experts commonly organize the mechanics syllabus is by the tasks that students should learn to perform.{excerpt}
h1. Worked Examples
The WIKI contains a large number of example problems covering all the major topics of Newtonian mechanics. All of these example problems illustrate the [S.I.M. problem solving approach|The S.I.M. Approach to Problem Solving]. The examples are organized below by the relevant major branch of the [Hierarchy of Models|Model Hierarchy]. By navigating to the principle page for each subgroup of problems, you can see the problems grouped by common interactions, procedures and topics.
h3. [Examples from Motion and Acceleration]
{children:page=Examples from Motion and Acceleration|excerpt=true}
h2h3. [Examples from Momentum and Force]
{children:page=Examples from Momentum and Force|excerpt=true}
h2h3. [Examples from Energy and Work]
{children:page=Examples from Mechanical Energy and Work|excerpt=true}
h2h3. [Examples from Angular Momentum and Torque]
{children:page=Examples from Angular Momentum and Torque|excerpt=true}
h2h3. [Multi-Concept Problems for Mixed Review|Multi-Concept Problems]
{children:page=Multi-Concept Problems|excerpt=true}
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